The health and safety of our entire campus community is our top priority and we will continue to follow the guidance provided by the Georgia Department of Public Health and the University System of Georgia.
If you have questions or need assistance with a COVID-related issue, please email:
What should I do if I test positive for COVID-19?
Do positive test results need to be reported to the University?
How will faculty members be notified of a student that has tested positive or needs to quarantine due to COVID-19?
Notification of a positive test result is the responsibility of the individual student as with any other illness.
Faculty should refer to the COVID-19 Classroom Guidance.
What should I do if a student reports that they have tested positive for COVID-19?
Faculty should demonstrate appropriate flexibility with students who need to isolate or quarantine due to COVID-19 in the same way they would have accommodated ill students before the pandemic. The method or approach to providing content and makeup work for the students is at the faculty member’s discretion.
Faculty should refer to the COVID-19 Classroom Guidance.
Should the class be notified of a student testing positive for COVID-19?
Can faculty members request documentation from students that inform us of their need to isolate/quarantine?